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Freedom empowers ordinary people to do extraordinary things, and that is what makes America an exceptional place.  In order to open the possibility of a second American Century and unlock a new era of success, progress, and prosperity, we advance the American Free Enterprise Bill of Rights.

American Free Enterprise Bill of Rights

Property rights must be protected.

Free economies owe their success to the fact that a significant portion of resources are owned by individuals and corporations rather than by the government.  Real, financial, and intellectual property rights must be secure.  Patents, trademarks, and copyrights must be observed and protected.  The owners of property exercise control over their capital and its allocation, the means of production, and the right to freely exchange it.


Entrepreneurs should be able to sell their companies without restriction and without excessive taxes.

Do you agree Protecting Property Rights is important for your business?
How important is this principle for your business?Not at allA little bitSomewhatA lotVery importantHow important is this principle for your business?
How important do you think this principle is to a healthy, free, and open economy?Not at allA little bitImportantVery importantExtremely importantHow important do you think this principle is to a healthy, free, and open economy?
Do you think this principle is currently being safeguarded in the economy and culture?Not at allA little bitSomewhatI will do what I canI'm all inDo you think this principle is currently being safeguarded in the economy and culture?
How likely are you to advocate that others support this principle?Not at allA little bitSomewhatI will do what I canI'm all inHow likely are you to advocate that others support this principle?

Thanks for your feedback!

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